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Master data is a public information of a registered company in custody of Registrar of Companies under MCA. Master Data is summary of a company, with all details pertaining to its identity, registration, RoC, class of company, incorporation date, authorised and paid up capital, date of AGM, filing of Balance Sheet and filing status.
Charges can be simply understood as borrowing by the Company from external agency and that creditor or lender has created a charge against the company for the sum lended to the Company and what assets have been hypothecated/mortgaged against that charge. Status of charge is also displayed under Index of Charges whether that are open/running or closed/paid off.
Its an identification number of Directors who run the Company. This number acts as a single platform to verify in what all companies a person is holding position as a director alongwith his date of appointment, address and digital signature (DSC) validity.