Companies working in 21012 Activity Code:


Manufacture of paper incl. Printing & writing paper

      • Group 210: Manufacture of paper and paper product
        • Class 2101: Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper board
          • Activity Code 21012: Manufacture of paper incl. Printing & writing paper
Companies working in 21012 Activity Code:
Company Name Activity Description Status Address Action
SRI VENKATESH PAPER AGENCIES HYDERABAD PVT LTD Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 5-8-352/4,RAGHAVA RATMA TOWERS CHIRAG ALI LANE, HYDERABAD, A.P TG IN 500001
PARAGON BUSINESS FORMS PVT LTD Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 5-8-659/1/B,2ND FLOOR,NAMPALLYSTATION ROAD HYDERABAD TG IN 000000
HANSA NEWS PRINT LTD Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 3-6-288,HYDERGUDA, HYDERABAD A.P TG IN 000000
KIRAN PAPER PRODUCTS PVT LTD Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active E-28, KATTADDAN INDUSTRIALAREA, HYDERABAD TG IN 000000
VENKATA VISHNU PACKING PRODUCTS PVT LTD Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 4-6-408,ESSAMIYA BAZARHYDERABAD. TG IN 000000
KLEANTEK PAPERS PVT LTD Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 3-4-495, IIIRD FLOOR, HI-LINEAPARTMENTS BARKATPURA HYDERABAD TG IN 000000
CSR TECNOCARTA PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 3-6-432, 2ND FLOOR, VELMA HOUSE, HIMAYATH NAGAR HYDERABAD TG IN 000000
SHIVRAMDAS BOARD INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 15-2-563/1, MAHARANIGUNJ,HYDERABAD. TG IN 000000
SRI VENKATESH MARKETING COMPANY PVT. LTD. Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 20 RAGHAVA RATNA TOWERS5-8-352 CHIRAG ALI LANE HYDERABAD 01. TG IN 000000
GAMPA ALCOATS LIMITED Manufacturing (Paper & Paper products, Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) Active 4-8-757, GOWLIGUDA, HYDERABAD. TG IN 500012


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