Companies working in 24231 Activity Code:


Manufacture of chemical substances used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals: antibiotics, endocrine products, basic vitamins; opium derivatives; sulpha drugs;serums and plasmas; salicylic acid, its salts and esters; glycosides and vegetable alkaloids; chemically pure sugar etc.

      • Group 242: Manufacture of other chemical products
        • Class 2423: Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanical products
          • Activity Code 24231: Manufacture of chemical substances used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals: antibiotics, endocrine products, basic vitamins; opium derivatives; sulpha drugs;serums and plasmas; salicylic acid, its salts and esters; glycosides and vegetable alkaloids; chemically pure sugar etc.
Companies working in 24231 Activity Code:
Company Name Activity Description Status Address Action
DEAN MEDI- PHARMA PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active JAYANTAPUR SINDURPANK SAMBALPUR OR IN 768001
NAOMI LABORATORIES PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active DOLAMUNDAI Cuttack OR IN 753009
RABINDRA HEALTH CARE PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active PLOT NO. 4, KHARVELA NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR OR IN 751001
ARAV ENTERPRISERS PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active PLOT NO-109 K6, KALING BIHAR PATRAPARA BHUBANESWAR Khordha OR IN 751019
GALGOTIES PHARMACEUTICALS PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active PLOT NO-940/3549 BEHERA SAHI, NAYAPALLI BHUBANESWARE OR IN 751012
CONEL LIFE-SCIENCE PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active PLOT NO.405, SECTOR-02, NILADRI VIHAR, SAILASHREE VIHAR, C S PUR BHUBANESWAR OR IN 751021
GIRIDURGA HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active C/O - DHRUBA CHARAN BRAHMA KESHAPUR CUTTACK Cuttack OR IN 753006
GRK FINE-CHEM PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active N5/145, IRC VILLAGE NAYAPALLI BHUBANESWAR Khordha OR IN 751015
VIKRAM PHARMACEUTICALS PVT LTD Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active 29 INDUSTRIAL AREACHANDIGARH U T u t CH IN 160002
PUNJAB CHLOROCHEM LTD Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals, and products thereof) Active SCO 64-65SECTOR 17 A CHANDIGARH CH IN 000000


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