Vip Buildcon Pvt Ltd

As on: 13-Dec-2019

Vip Buildcon Pvt Ltd is a Private, Not Listed Company with incorporation date being Thursday 24th of December 1992. It is registered at RoC-Kolkata. Its authorized share capital is 100 lakhs and paid up capital being 99.72 lakhs. It is categorised as Company Limited by Shares and Sub-categorised as Indian Non-Government Company Company. Its primary activity classification is in Real Estate and Renting.

Last Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Vip Buildcon Pvt Ltd was held on Wednesday 31st of December 1969 and its balance sheet was last filed upto Saturday 31st of March 2018 , as per the records updated on Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA),

Persons entrusted to manage affairs of company or Directors in Vip Buildcon Pvt Ltd are ANAND PRAKASH PODDAR , AMAR CHAND SANKHALA .

Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Vip Buildcon Pvt Ltd is U70101WB1992PTC057262 and its registration number is 057262 . For contacting the Company/LLP, the Email address is Click to view email and its last registered address filed with Registrar of Companies is Click to view Address .

Age of Vip Buildcon Pvt Ltd as on date is 32 Years, 2 Days.

Current status of Vip Buildcon Pvt Ltd is - ACTIVE for e-filing.


Contact Info
Audited Balance Sheet
Audited Profit and Loss
Board Meetings
Company Information
CIN U70101WB1992PTC057262
Company Name Vip Buildcon Pvt Ltd
Company Status ACTIVE
RoC RoC-Kolkata
Registration Number 057262
Company Category Company Limited by Shares
Company Sub Category Indian Non-Government Company
Class of Company Private
Incorporation Date 24-Dec-1992
Age of Company 32 Years, 2 Days
Activity Real Estate and Renting Companies engaged in similar activity can be found here.
Share Capital & Number of Employees
Authorised Capital ₹ 100 Lakhs
Paid up capital ₹ 99.72 Lakhs
Listing and Annual Compliance Details
Listing status -
Date of Last Annual General Meeting 31-Dec-1969
Date of Latest Balance Sheet 31-Mar-2018
Contact Details
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