LIC Insurance Plan

LIC Insurance Plans- Bima Account -2

Bima Account -2 Features  “LIC’s Bima Account - 2 ” is oner of simple non-linked LIC insurance plans which offers you everything you think of an insurance plan should provide: Simplicity Liquidity Guaranteed Minimum Return…

Jeevan Anurag,Insurance Plans

Jeevan Anurag – Insurance Plans

Jeevan Anurag LIC’s Jeevan ANURAG is a with profits plan specifically designed to take care of the educational needs of children. The plan can be taken by a parent on his or her own life.…

Jeevan Anand,Insurance Plans

Jeevan Anand

Jeevan Anand Features This plan is a combination of Endowment Assurance and Whole Life plans. It provides financial protection against death throughout the lifetime of the life assured with the provision of payment of a…